Sunday, June 10, 2007

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Church was very nice today, as always. Our attendance was lower than usual, perhaps due to the beautiful sunny weather. I think that it would be neat if we had an outdoor sanctuary, the same size as the indoor sanctuary, that can be used when the weather is pleasant. Moving the piano, the pulpits and the communion table back and forth could be a nuisance, though.

I couldn't stay for the social time, because I had to pick up my husband in order to attend a birthday party. The party was fun. I enjoy visiting friends and relatives.

After the party, my husband and I went back home. I rested for a bit, then went to a concert with a choir, a pianist, and a man who uses a computer to create music. I enjoyed the songs.

A pleasant day.

Monday, June 4, 2007

A busy Monday

Today, my church's Mission Study Committee met for the third time. I like this group! I'm happy to have been invited to join this committee. After the meeting, I went to my dentist appointment. After that, I returned to church to work on a couple of small projects. After that, I had another medical appointment, a quick trip to the grocery store, then hula class. After that, I returned home, and I actually cooked something for my husband and me. More about this can be found in this 43 things entry.